Position statements

From the historical perspective follows that the stereotactic methodology is nowadays in the centre of the neurosurgical field.

The members of the ESSFN should be aware of the consequence of this central position and act to the extent of their individual qualifications as consultants to all neurosurgeons who are actively involved in general neurosurgical patient care.

The stereotactic neurosurgeon shall be responsible for helping his other neurosurgical colleagues maintain a high level of performance and integrity in the practice of neurosurgery.

Stereotactic neurosurgeons shall promote cooperation with other colleagues dedicated to the care of patients with nervous system diseases.

In particular, in the fields of funcional neurology, pain treatment, movement disorders, epilepsy, spasticity, psychiatric disease, neuro-irradiation, neuro-oncology, interventional neuro-radiology, spinal surgery, and neuro-modulation good medical practice is to be sought by cooperation based upon mutual respect and real interest between stereotactic neurosurgeons and other specialists.

Education shall have a prominent position in the ESSFN and training, both with hands-on sessions and workshops, need continuous attention.

Scientific meetings organized by or held under the auspices of the ESSFN shall be open to all medical professionals who have the intention to attend such meetings.

Code of Ethics

This code is a statement of ideals, commitments and responsibilities of stereotactic neurosurgeons to patients, other health professionals, society and themselves.

It thus may be considered as one of the measures used by the ESSFN to evaluate a member’s maintenance of good professional standing, and to evaluate qualifications for membership by applicants.

  1. The stereotactic neurosurgeon shall restrict his or her practice to that which he or she is competent to deliver by training and experience in the field.
  2. The stereotactic neurosurgeon involved in human research and experimentation shall respect the rights of the participants and execute a consent fully informing the participants before proceeding with any treatment or research.
  3. In experimental research the use of animals should be restricted to experimentation which cannot be performed with alternative methods. The use of animals should avoid all unnecessary suffering and the guidelines of the International Association for the study of Pain should be followed (Pain 16, 109; 1983).
  4. The ESSFN adheres to the Code of Ethics of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons with respect to all other stipulated responsibilities.